SLTy CSF Resources

Here are helpful resources and links for SLTy CSF Analysis:

(CSF is Critical Success Factor)

Interview Questions

Note: these are not intended for written response. Live interview with careful listening! And don’t reveal the questions ahead of time… you want people’s first response.

  • In what one to three areas would failure to perform well hurt XYZ the most?
  • In what area would you hate to see something go wrong?
  • Assume you are isolated from the world. What would you most want to know about your org’n when you come out three months later?
  • What’s your personal mission and role? (Not title)
  • What are your most critical goals & objectives?
  • What are your three greatest biz problems or obstacles?

Academic Source Reference Document

The Critical Success Factor Method: Establishing a Foundation for Enterprise Security Management, Caralli et al, July 2004 CMU SEI